Hassle-Free Construction Management Software for Load Hauling
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Access Load Data Anywhere, Any Time with Our Construction Management Software

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Ticket Watch™ is a construction management software providing a cost-effective solution for tracking loads, managing tickets, and getting paid faster. Traditionally, keeping a tally of loads hauled involves multiple load tickets handwritten and collected from drivers, then matched manually against invoices from quarries and haulers. This inefficient process involves a lot of time, effort, and money, not to mention the inaccuracies and errors that result from this method.

Ticket Watch™ changes all that! Our state-of-the-art tracking system captures data and signatures along with a time and date stamp using handheld scanners. Driver and load information is saved on the scanner, uploaded to the website, and immediately available for viewing. Tracking your loads is simplified and accurate - saving you time and money. With electronic load ticketing, invoicing your customers becomes as simple as pushing a button.

Want to Learn More About the Ticket Watch™ Complete Load Management System?

To make researching the Ticket Watch™ electronic ticketing system easier, we've broken out our pages by topic. Simply click the buttons to get a better understanding of how our system can improve your hauling operations.

Construction Management Software for Industries that Haul and Manage Loads

The Ticket Watch™ Electronic Ticketing System Provides a Better Ticket Management Solution

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Our innovative electronic ticketing system follows your loads from beginning to end, reducing error and eliminating the data entry of load tickets. No more lost tickets or duplicates! With electronic reporting, accurate load reports can be generated with ease at the touch of a button, reducing overall administrative costs and overhead. Best of all, tickets are automatically reconciled from the loading site to the dumping site, increasing accountability for each load and virtually eliminating load theft.

Utilizing a hand-held scanner and a barcode attached to the vehicle, tickets are computer generated and contain accurate information about each load that is hauled and dumped. Drivers' signatures can be captured on the keypad, making it available for immediate retrieval on the Ticket Watch™ website. Tickets can also be created on-site and printed.

At Ticket Watch™, we can manage a portion or all of the job-related hauling and ticket tracking duties - even in harsh environments. We can complete your project from start to finish with very minimal involvement from your staff. We offer onsite training and technical support with every Ticket Watch™ system.

 Construction Management Software Texas - TicketWatch - DSC_0012Our barcode system will improve your hauling business operations by:

  • Increasing productivity
  • Eliminating human error
  • Improving inventory control
  • Reducing labor costs
  • Increasing data integrity/reliability
  • Providing quality assurance
  • Enabling work-in-progress tracking
  • Enabling process control


The Ticket Watch™ System is Ideal for the Harsh Conditions of Construction Management

Services include the tracking and reporting of material movement, ie: dirt, sand, and clay for general contractors, subcontractors, public and private sector businesses, and government agencies.

 Construction Management Software Texas - TicketWatch - DSC_0057(1)Construction management companies benefit from our electronic ticketing system because it offers:

  • Accurate electronic load tracking from collection to disposal
  • Real-time reporting via internet of loads, drivers, commodities, agents
  • Driver logistic data management
  • Integration with accounting software to ensure expedient and accurate billing
  • GIS and Digital Photo capability
  • Rugged equipment that withstands the elements and rough handling


Reduce Truck Cycle Time With Our Barcode and Scanning System

Because there are no paper tickets to fill out, loads are hauled and reconciled faster - greatly reducing truck turnaround time. Just point, scan, sign, and print! The truck is on its way to hauling another load. This saves time for the trucker paid by the load, administration time for the carrier paying the trucks, and less time is spent by the owner disputing discrepancies.

Turn Tickets in Electronically

At the end of the day, simply click a few buttons to reconcile your tickets. No need to wait for driver's turning in their tickets. Data integrity is increased by generating easy to read reports that contain accurate information. You'll be able to manage and dispatch the trucks more efficiently and your time can be spent growing your business instead of tracking down errors.

Managing paper load tickets is messy and inefficient. There are too many reasons for tickets to get lost or become unreadable. Compiling hundreds of tickets and manually entering them into the computer is an administrative nightmare. With the Ticket Watch™ barcode and electronic reporting system, you can finally reconcile tickets efficiently and accurately, allowing you to bill your customer and get paid quickly!

Five star rating!
Mike N. Naperville Exc.
"State of the Art Capabilities to Manage Any Ticketing Operation Your Company May Need!

I would like to say how much improvement the Ticket Watch system has brought to our trucking operations. Our management team can now see an electronic ticket and categorize the tickets to the way they want to analyze the data. We have noticed fewer errors by the field personnel...
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