Keep Track of Your Load Hauling with GPS Tracking from Ticket Watch™
With barcode scanning, you’ll know when your loads are picked up and dropped off. With this real-time monitoring, you can get a better understanding of where your drivers are and when to expect them back. Because our tickets are automatically reconciled, you’ll know right away if a load goes missing. Our system helps you reduce load loss and increase driver accountability.
Reduce Truck Cycle Time with our Barcode and Scanning System.
Because there are no paper tickets to fill out, loads are hauled and reconciled faster - greatly reducing truck turnaround time. Just point, scan, sign, and print! The truck is on its way to hauling another load. This saves time for the trucker paid by the load, administration time for the carrier paying the trucks, and less time is spent by the owner disputing discrepancies.
Turn in Your Tickets Electronically
At the end of the day, simply click a few buttons to reconcile your tickets. No need to wait for driver’s turning in their tickets. Data integrity is increased by generating easy to read reports that contain accurate information. You’ll be able to manage and dispatch the trucks more efficiently and your time can be spent growing your business instead of tracking down errors.